So the trick is to convert your skel mesh to a blueprint (if it is not there already) and make a variable that is exposed to cinematics. Then you can alter this value using sequencer and affect the Niagara system using a Niagara Parameter Collection.
“Test Var” is a variable I made in the skeletal mesh blueprint which is exposed to cinematics. I’m altering that variable in sequencer. I’m then setting “TestFloat” in the Niagara Parameter Collection to a value I set in sequencer and print out the value. This is all you would really need to set in sequencer to drive this FX.
I’ll try and explain this better tomorrow, it’s getting late and I must sleep (3AM here in Florida).
I tried to use event handler to get unusual trajectories) So far, not very successfully, but perhaps based on a similar approach, someone will get something
Ran into a problem when transitioning from Cascade to Niagara, I use the “OnParticleCollide” node in my blueprints to trigger events when particles collide, however I was unable to find anything similar for Niagara.
Does anyone know of a way to do this in Niagara?
Thanks a ton for the timely response, I thought that might be the case but figured I better ask.
Do you have an ETA for when that feature may be added?
How do you do this?
I can understand how the terrain is getting vertex colored…but how do you give the data to niagara?
And how do you handle the switching between particle types?