Niagara / unreal GDC

Played around with changing a Niagara emitter with a blueprint, it felt a bit wonky but seamed to come out alright. I’m also relatively new to effects work so let me know what you think!

I have used texture sampling instead of Vertex color.
I mean I used a render target for real time painting.
The below is another example that have render target texture view.

Particles adjust to ground using heigtmap.
Regarding Switching Particles, painted color doesn’t mean ‘color’. Those are just ID.
I’ve tried to avoid to use ‘if’ fucntion.
1.I’ve added index to RGB color (R=-1, G=0, B=1).
2.Made the state ‘Paricles have RGB color, (1,0,0)or(0,1,0)or(0,0,1)’.
like this,
ceil(PintedColor - 0.01) * (1-clamp(0,1,abs(floor(rand(2.9999)-1) - float3(-1,0,1))));
3.Made new module that have 3 params’ input for scale, velocity, color and so on.
not only Niagara but also Maerial for switching texture. I mean I used single material for this fx.
4.Multiply those 3 params by the result of 2. Then added 3 params.

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Unreal Engine 4 Niagara Tutorial 27 Static Mesh
Attempting to use static mesh to create particles with more realistic visualization

Hey great work!! I loved it and so I decided to tinker with making it work on skeletal meshes. here is the graph for it.


Creation realistic morphing …

Experiments using skeletal mesh as a source of particles sprites.

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Next experiment with skeletal mesh

Reconstruction experiment : static mesh source

Unreal Engine 4 Niagara
Tutorial 30
Static Mesh Reconstruction

Collision and Reconstruction after collision

Really cool bits of work dude!

Are any of the mesh modules on the GPU do you know? When I last checked everything mesh related was CPU bound I thought but was wondering if this had changed…

Hello everyone :slight_smile: I really like what I see on this forum! I’m not a VFX guy but lately I decided to give niagara a try. I really like it a lot. Here’s a demo sample of my tryout.


Hey everyone!

So I’ve been toying around with Niagara and got some particles spawning behind a car as it drives around a track, but the issue I’m running into is when I deactivate the particle system all of the particles disappear at once, but I want to keep the already spawned particles alive so that they can complete their cycle. Am I possibly doing something wrong by just deactivating it with a BP?


I think (But im not totally certain if im right so apologies if not!) just deactivating via a BP just turns off / kills the particle system.

You’d want to reduce the spawn rate to 0 - then after a delay (which would be the lifetime of your particles) deactivate the PS.

So once all particles have died, deactivate.

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There should be deactivate and destroy. Deactivate should stop all further spawning, but keeps the spawned particles alive. Destroy removes the particle system object.

After deactivating you can check the onSystemFinished delegate to figure out when to destroy I believe.


Thank you for the replies,

The weird thing is, when I use destroy on my cascade systems it works fine, but when it comes to Niagara the destroy doesn’t do anything and I’m not sure what’s cause it, I’m currently using the deactivate, but if I switch it to a destroy in the exact same place, nothing seems to happen

I do wonder if this maybe a bug with Niagara or something that’s not properly implemented yet?

It could possibly be, but for now what I think I will do is just drive the particles using the spawn rate, it looks kinda silly to just have them disappear out of nowhere lol

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Hello again,
So I’ve been exploring Niagara and trying a few tutorials and tried to take my hand at doing something simple, but I still have no idea what I’m doing so I’m most likely doing something terribly wrong.

My goal is to simply have a particle hover up and down and what I’m trying to do is set the Z position on over a curve. Does anyone know what I’m doing terribly wrong here?

You have to sample the curve.

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Oh is that all I’m missing? Is that what you did in your intro tutorial? I’ll go check that again. Thank you!