Showing differently between Niagara preview and Main viewport

Why does my Niagara effect look different in the Niagara preview compared to the main viewport in Unreal Engine, and how can I make them match?

Kinda difficult to tell with only 2 screenshots.
Maybe show your process and what your renderers look like?

Could also be screen percentage setting in the view port affecting the smallest particle it’s able to show

Could be all kinds of stuff

There’re couple of reasons, but simple gotcha is the scale in viewport and scale in niagara is not the same, since some elements go in local, some go in world etc… and if the color doesn’t represent correctly , it could be the lighting (exposure, postprocess)

Do you have an eye adaptation node in a material? As mentioned above it can be exposure issue

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For color as metioned in other replies use eye adaption and for behavior try to tick fixed delta time

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