I was seeing huge hitches when changing values, and even when when systems looped. If I opened the output log it would literally freeze the editor for minutes as it loads all the data from memory, and sometimes crash the editor when it ran out of memory. Disabling that logging definitely fixed what I was seeing. I’m not sure if it is a problem in the official 4.20 release, but I did run across it in the dev-niagara branch. Toggle it off and see if it helps.
I just removed all of my anti-logging commands and it appears to not be happening anymore on dev-niagara, at least with the systems that proved to be most problematic in the past. I cannot vouch for official 4.20 release though.
The issue is that I had the playback of the emitter running. So, when I adjusted the slider values the playback was jumping back to the beginning and starting over again. If I turn off playback the update is real time just as demonstrated in Ash’s videos.
This happened only with the dragable inputs like DistributeX, NumInstance, etc. But it happens with all of them, and probably is doing just what it is supposed to eh?
The curve sample to adjust Z pos works fine in realtime with playback running or not.
ShaunK : I did start out by checking the log and there was no large amount of info happening. It was actually very minimal.
I’m trying to stop the update of particles in Niagara in game mode from the plan. This is necessary to create a very large number of particle sources and update only those that are in sight. The goal is not to load the entire process with the constant updating of all sources, but only those that require it at the moment. I do not want to kill sources, because they need to be displayed. Sorry for my knowledge of English)
Can someone try to create fractal structures? Share the experience please) It is necessary that one created stream created a place for the birth of the next. Do I need to do this with events? Is it possible to transfer events inside one emitter to yourself?
With pleasure I will share) Now I’m trying to bring this into a readable and simpler form, and in one of the following videos I will attach a link to the files.