Congrats to everyone who participated! We had quite the turnout this time around as the community really took to this last challenge and showed that you can really do quite a lot with so little! Let’s get to your favorite entries this past month!
1st Place: @simonschreibt
Congratulations @simonschreibt! Check out their WIP here: Simon Trümpler: Sketch #20 WIP
2nd Place: @AlexFedorov
Congratulations @AlexFedorov! Check out their WIP here: Alex Fedorov: Sketch #20 WIP
As promised, we’ll now start posting the 2 top runner-ups! This past month they were:
1st runner-up: @Dom. Check out their awesome work here: Dominikus Reiter: Sketch#20 WIP
2nd runner-up: @PixelPerfect. Check out their awesome work here: PixelPerfect: Sketch #20 WIP
If you didn’t have the time to get your entry in or make as much progress as you would have liked, feel free to continue to iterate and work on last months entry! Alternatively, if you would like a fresh new challenge, be sure to check out the next VFX Sketch!
Thanks again to all those who participated this past February. We’ll be dishing out your badges to your profiles shortly! We’ll see you in the next sketch!