Happy holidays everyone!
I asked Keith (quite) a while ago if it was fine to start a topic about our pets, the ones that support us no matter what, keeps us warm during cold days, and makes us that much happier on days where nothing seems to go right. shakes fist at 3dsmax crashes
So share images (or videos) of your dearly beloved pets and other critters you care about!
so, here are some photos of my household, which is 7/9th four legged animals, and two tiny humans trying to take care of them all.
the one up close is Chibi, destroyer of anything comfortable, and the reason why we dont have any non-second hand couches. she is about 21 years old and likes snootboops and kisses.
This is Granny Spot, mother of Chibi and Katz, 22 years old and annoyingly adventurous, leaping from 2nd floor windows and eater of mice brain. (we get the rest of the body) she’s quite old, deaf, and slightly demented, which results in me worrying more than any other creature I care for.
This is Quilla, hisses at anything she doesnt like and cannot live without my gf. she’ll be at the front door or window waiting until she comes back, and nothing pleases her more than sitting on top of her.
these two are Hito (orange, will come back to him later) and KatZ, brother of Chibi and son of Spot.
Also a 21 years old and wants nothing more than being petted.
This is Hito, when we got him he was already quite overweight, and no matter how much exercise we give him, he doesnt seem to lose any pounds/kilo’s. He is a very jolly cat that just loves to watch humans doing their thing. if there is a carpenter in the neighborhood chances are he’ll sit close to them and just watch them build something.
Of all the cats he also enjoys cardboard boxes the most.
These two are Humpie and Dumpie, which along with KatZ, Chibi, and Spot I inherited from my mother.
They where treated like children and have no clue what cars are. Very adorable dogs, but so… soooo stubborn.
I could go on and on about them, but this is enough for now.
Please share your vfx-pets with us, and if you have great stories about them tell us!
We’d love to hear about them.