Unity project organization

Hi everyone, I’m Fran and I will have been in the vfx for about 2 years and I would like to know how you organize when working with your resources (shaders, textures, subjects).
I ask this question because I started working with other colleagues recently and exports are getting complicated.

I usually create a folder per effect, and then create multiple folders: textures, materials, shaders, meshes, etc!

Also, check this out:

Have a nice day!


It is the method that I am beginning to use. I used to have a unique folder with all the textures and meshes. The method that I use to pass my effects to another project is to make assets you think is a good way (sometimes it gives me mistakes since things are supplanted), because if you pass folders they lose their references.
Thank @Lush

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Hi :slight_smile:
By assets you mean packages? because it shouldn’t lose ref.

I personnally have 1 folder named VFX, and then inside a folder per VFX with all files in it. If the VFX is very complex, i create some folder for materials etc…
Usually this end up in a prefab in most of games, and so you can export a package from it.

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I usually stick to a structure similar to something below. It’s all just folders

  • vfx
    — glow
    — fire
    — smoke
    — generic
    — abilities
    — glow
    — fire
    — smoke
    — generic
    — abilities
    — sobfolders
    — subfolders
    — combat
    — ui
    — events

Then I name assetse like the folders they’re in
A soft glow texture would be named: vfx_glow_soft for example, and its material would be named the same but be in the material structure.
For a prefab, I’d name it vfx_combat_slash

For me it works well!

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