Sifa's Sketchbook

Love this trails. Thanks for sharing

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Some rudimentary script and ribbon set-up for an effect idea I had. I’ll expand and work on this more.


Hey Sifa could you tell me why you didn’t op for the Pivot Painter Labs tool, instead of making your own HDA. what’s the difference with your tool?

I dunno. I did it because I felt like doing it. Same reason why I’m learning graphics programming. I just feel like learning it. I’d rather completely understand what I’m using and why I’m doing things a certain way and for me the easiest way is to just make it myself. I haven’t used PivotPainter yet. Probably not a very helpful or insightful answer :octopus:

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Since I haven’t had much time these days after work, I’ve been learning programming graphics from scratch and writing a rendering engine in whatever spare time I get.

Here’s some progress,

Wrote the model loading and some lighting models. I’m learning a lot about GPUs, shaders and design from this so I’m extremely happy so far. Using OpenGL for now, I want to properly learn the fundamentals first and then I might switch over to dx11 and then Vulkan. Don’t know yet, don’t care. I’m enjoying this so far. Final goal is to write a decent rendering engine with a bunch of features like particle systems and what not.


Writing this type of stuff is such a blast and will really help you get a fundamental understanding of what’s going under the hood for VFX/Game engines. Keep it up and you’ll be able to leverage your graphics skills to make really advanced things down the line.

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Thanks a lot! It’s very motivating, especially coming from you :smiley:

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Architectural stuff,

A very straightforward entity system to let me add, load, manipulate objects and meshes and more experiments with drawing. I am starting to wrap my head around this. Oh and a camera.

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Saving more state in entities like their position, rotation, scale and added light entities.
Seems to work.

Also played a lot of 2D SDF stuff. SDF Text is :sweat_drops: I think it’ll be very useful for UI stuff like drawing rounded rectangles and forms and scrollbars that automatically fit at any size without much complexity. Just a few lines in the fragment shader.


Framebuffer fuckery.


:thinking: I finally understand what drawcalls mean and the a lot more of the actual implications of things. I kept reading people talking about why shaders are expensive, why drawcalls are expensive, why postprocess effects are expensive, why bloom isn’t good on mobile phone, why overdraw sucks etc but writing things from scratch really does hammer it in you.