Niagara / unreal GDC

Recorded a video tutorial for this effect. Much better than the text version that has obvious holes in it. This is my first video tut so excuse the couple bumps I had along the way.


How do your particles keep existing forever?

Quick basic tut on using the spline:


Hello. I can not repeat the standard effect Cascade - p_fire. Can somebody do a manual? This will greatly help beginners in the study of Niagara.

To the Epic guys, can you please make it a setting in editor preferences to turn off orbit mode by default?

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I was asked in a different thread how to set up SubUV’s in Niagara. Here’s an all-in-one screenshot:


I’ll put in a feature request for it



Can anyone shine some light on how to use beams and ribbons in Niagara ?

Some more questions here :

Thanks !

The viewport also doens’t respond to setting a color…

Hehe, sorry i just jumped in here with lots of questions on my first post …

Having some fun with Niagara too, converted this spiral sphere distribution algorithm yesterday.

Niagara will be amazing !


Loking how to make a custom spawning module, but can’t figure it out.

From the existing modules you’d think it’s just setting an amount to a make spawn info and feeding that to the parameter map output… but that doesn’t work.

sometimes the provided burst spawner doesn’t work either for me.

EDIT… Indeed it is just that, but had to be in emitter Update, not emitter Spawn.
When I disable update age, for some reason there are more particles made created ?

A Fibonacci Sphere Location module was recently added to Dev-Niagara.

Point Clouds !

Was actually very simple. Still need to counter for Houdini’s coordinate system, it’s actually rotated incorrectly.

Limited to a million points for now. But that’s probably per system… so maybe i can chop it up. The full point cloud is over a billion points though… So maybe this is beyond Niagara.

Although, maybe with a custom streaming data interface, and some kind of optimized sparse voxel renderer…

Is there a way to turn everything in a system / emitter off, and only have id/pos/color parameter map, with no updates going ?

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Yep I’d definitely look at some kind of streaming DI and specialized renderer for bringing in such large point cloud data sets.

You could just remove everything from the update script.
Currently this will still do some work but in the future it should be relatively trivial to detect this case and skip all update work entirely.

To your previous point, if you disable update age then age will stay at 0.
All our spawning modules work off Particles.Age, Particles.NormalizedAge, and DeltaTime. In the case of the burst spawner, if you spawn at 0 and age is always 0 I expect it would just keep spawning.


Is there an easy way to drive material parameters in Niagara? Or do I have to feed it through blueprint?

Have you ever try DynamicParameter before?

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Exactly what I needed… working already… you are a hero!

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