Niagara "Cast-Loop-Finish" behavior in one system

I have a question, trying to do it myself after few attempts failed, decided to ask here
I’m trying to make force field effect, all I want to have is a one animated material with dissolve parameter, but when player holds the activation button, it appears with dissolve and start looping (so there is no fixed lifetime for that), after a short period of time it breaks. Also that force field might be damaged and break before it’s lifetime ends. is it possible to make everything in one emitter?


Generally, when it comes to this kind of effects, I usually make

  • One System for Cast + Loop
    • System loops infinitely
    • Emitters that are used for the Cast are Burst type with Loop Count Limit set to 1 or have an Emitter State set to Self
  • One System for Release

In your case you might need an additional one in case it gets interrupted (Break).

If you have parameters that should be the same during the loop and the Release/Break effect (For example if during the loop the force field gets bigger and you want the Break effect to have the same size), I think I would control that value through a User Parameter changed through Blueprint.

Hope I understood your question well and that it will be of any help :slight_smile:

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