Masking faces in Unreal Text Render for world position offset

Hello, I am trying to add some basic movement via material to the unreal text render but, I’d like each letter to have its own separate offset in the material.

My current setup is a basic step function using the local position but, since each character width aren’t the same it won’t line up. I figure I could just use a font with all characters with the same width but, I was wondering if there are any simpler ways to get separate each quad

To seperate each quad on your mesh and perhaps apply a different letter to that quad, you can look into using Pivot Pinater DeepSpaceBanana's Sketchbook - #152 by DeepSpaceBanana

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So my thought was each letter is sampled from the same text sheet so the UVs must be unique. Sure enough they are(ish).

This is simple and makes the offset sort of random and all characters aof the same kind have the same offset but some extra work could move this along, heres a place to start:

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