Madosho's sketchbook: The road to VFX

Woo! Some updates on this one. Some things that have changed/ I need to add/ need to fix
Made it around 50 percent faster and reworked the timing for the entire effect. Enhanced some of the particle systems. Added scorchmark decal, dust, and basic idea for disintegration.

To be fixed:
-Nice blends for the flare rings.
-Even further tightening of all the timings.
-Better heat up effect for the target.
-Add glow radius for the stones when the come close to the sun’s surface (or make them work around it).

To add:
-Something interesting elements for when the sun shrinks. (Shredding of mass, and some lingering energy).
-Change magnetic rings from orange to blue when sun shrinks.
-Movement in the inward tendrils.
-Prefracture decal.
-Better overall glow consistency throughout the effect.

If you have any further comments please do tell :smiley:


Really nice work! I really like the rocks and cracks with the flare and how they fade.

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Thank you so much Nate :grin:

Feeling like this is getting close to final. But I feel the following is left to do:

  • Glow continuity needs improvement
  • Final color tweaks
  • Ground decal for when the rocks retract
  • Final fixes
  • Final presentation

Anything else that I might have missed? Would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks in advance :grin:


This is looking way better now! i really like how the orb jumps up at the begining, it also has a good ‘punch’ when the flames are released.

I wonder if you could do something more interesting with the ending? At the moment it’s just shrinking back down to where it started (which is fine) but just looks a bit boring compared to the rest. You could maybe just shrink it much faster to show that all it’s energy got released in the blast? Or maybe instead of shrinking it you could have it break apart into lots of embers that float away.

Whatever you decide to do with it it’s looking great :smiley:

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I love the way you have dust and sparks bleeding off the target to show heat.

I do wonder though if you can make it feel somewhat more justified that the target is gone by the time the solar flare passes by?
The amount of matter leaving the reaction does not feel in proportion with how much was there before.

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Thank you so much :grin: . Right now I want to make the attack itself fit into 6 seconds. The end bit was something I still needed to work on, but it will get a more interesting ending to motivate it being 6 seconds long. Higher intensity but in a shorter timeframe.

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Thanks man! Yeah, i agree with you on that. Right now I’m retiming the attack to around 6 seconds in total. So I think with that, that point should be adressed with it as will.

Whewhew another update. Made the attack around 6 seconds long (minus the settling of the dust, scorch marks and rocks).
Currently still wanting to improve the following.

  • Smoke at the bottom when the dust gets sucked in
  • Overall color fixes and timings
  • More inward energy at the end
  • Lights or fake glow.
  • Tightening of the area of effect.

Thinking about adding the following.

  • Prefire indicator.
  • Dust rings around the beam.

Looking good! :smiley: Much better now it’s overall quicker

I suggest reducing the size of the ‘sun’ as soon as it’s fired the flames, it’ll look like it’s actually emitting it’s own energy into the flames then rather than generating them

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Cheers man! Really good idea! That will definitely help with adding some extra dynamism to it all.

Everything is so awesome!

Do you mind explaining how did you do the flickery movement of the fire on the Jet Engine?

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Thanks man :D. The way I did it back then is to multiply a random sinewave to the V coordinates of the texturesample, and not put the strenght too high. That was the basis for the jittery motion. It would probably be better to add randomness to the sinewave based on the position of the particlesystem tho, I see now that it will become very noticable otherwise.

I think right now this is getting close to final. Right I’m only planning on doing the finetuning of everything. But I’m really curious for your feedback and crits, and open for any other suggestions :slight_smile:


I think that is a wrap! Thank you so much for all the input the last couple off weeks. This helped to make it grow immensely. Well worth it to go through the entire proces, all the while learning a tonne :grin:


Wow very nice man! I’ve beengoing through this frame by frame and it looks HOT (No pun intended)
This shot is easily my favorite part

Everythign just looks so chunky and bright, but not so much that it gets lost.


Heheh, cheers man :D. Really happy to hear that.

Hey! Great textures/motion/staging :slight_smile:


  • Ejection starts moving before the contraction (timing’s off)
  • You’ve got some camera shake, but the contraction of the sun feels more forceful than the ejection.
  • The eye tends to stay focused on the bright star rather than following the ejection’s motion (brightest/quickest moving element draws the eye)
  • Sun surface could have some more turbulent motion within (Looks static)


  • Try skipping the “Suns” animation between 8-9secs where it contracts a little, then lingers before transforming back.
  • Perhaps dimming the sun to a red/orange when it’s unloads the energy.
  • Having the sun scale down along with the ejection will give more of a sense of energy transferral, and give the eye a chance to follow the flare (which could also be boosted in brightness until the impact).

Thanks for these man :D. Sweet tips as well! Quite a few things I still overlooked, but some problems I had with this finally start to become clear. I will let it simmer for a bit and go into it again with a fresh eye and I’ll be sure to implement those :grin:

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Sorry for the big bump! Finally had some time to do some personal stuff. Mostly stocking up on getting some ideas out.