Been so long since i have tried out a challenge. Thought I would try this one out! I just have a VERY high level idea of what i want to go for. Will do some broad strokes/concepts first and see how things go regarding what style i want.
The idea in my head is more about how a rainbow gets created. So i figured white light going through an item to create the Rainbow colours. Also thinking something fast and punchy, almost “Mini-Gun-ish”
Got the Gif from Pinterest which points :게임원화 이펙트 자료 FX원화 : 네이버 블로그
The laser projectile vibes also are from Pinterest and point to :Lasers!
The Prism is also off Pinterest.
Things that will need to be done:
Better White light beam at start.
Better Rainbow beam…thinking more psychedelic with more energy.
(I don’t think the chunky barrel needs to be that size, but may refine it.)
The look of the projectiles and impacts.
So i have been playing around a bit with the challenge when i had a chance and the gun projectile started to look more like a spell being cast than then straight punchy idea I had originally thought of going for.
Still many things that need attention.
But i am happy with the speed of the projectiles now, although I also feel the trail/ribbon effect could use more work I am having difficulty in getting this right on both the behaviour and look .Also thought to add in a final impact explosion which will also hopefully add to the rainbow vibe when i get some colors in there.
Hey hey, so i added in some last minute elements.
I think I am done with this effect.
A few things have changed along the way but I feel i captured some of the elements i was after from my reference in my first post.
It’s been awesome seeing what others have come up with and thanks for a fun challenge.
Please let me know your thoughts and if there is any advice on execution and the effect as a whole i would love to hear it. Always keen to learn more.
The rainbow emitter must be activated in the before gunshot.
What if the bullet hits the target and the energy is charged? The larger the energy ball, the greater the explosion will take place.
Thank you for the reply.
I am not sure what you mean regarding the energy being charged on hitting the target?
Are you referring to the idea that each individual projectile causes a standard size explosion, but combine the colours of the projectiles in the same location, it will result in a larger explosion?
Ah okay. I see what you mean.
I like that idea. I may give it a try later on when i have a chance.
I want to iterate further on this and will incorporate that into the other ideas going forward.
Thanks @slowdive!