Is it possible to achieve accurate display of the color of the material in the scene, as in the UI?

My scene consists of the usual box primitives and sprites.
Boxes have a regular material with a texture, and the material for sprites has a regular color.
Since the sprites are a marker, I want to achieve the exact color of the material on the stage, as if they were displayed in the ui.
Is it possible to achieve this at least for the color in the material of the sprites?!

You could make the material ‘Unlit’ and set the emissive to your color.
You might need to do some kind of gamma correction though. It won’t be perfectly ‘accurate’.
Other than that you can create some kind of post process effect. Just put your sprite markers into a CustomDepth Stencli. Then use that stencil in your post material and set it to the color you want.

Thanks for the answer!
Can you explain this point in more detail?
(Just put your sprite markers into a CustomDepth Stencli. Then use that stencil in your post material and set it to the color you want)
I have not dealt with the post process until now!