I want to export only the Niagara effect in PNG

Some parts may be difficult to understand because of the use of translation software.

Hello, I am currently working on a video with my team. We are currently working on a video project as a team, and we are trying to combine a video created in Maya with effects created in Niagara
We are trying to composite the video created in Maya with effects created in Niagara using AfterEffects.

Is it possible to render the background transparent in UE5 and only render the effects in sequential numbers?
And is this idea realistic in the first place?

Please lend me your wisdom.

Welcome! :slight_smile:

I have never used it myself, but I would recommend looking into the Niagara Baker, it might do what you need! I don’t know how well it handles transparency though.

In addition, you can try movie render queue. I always had issues rendering transparency properly only in UE, so it’s not super easy. They did some improvements to the movie render queue, so maybe it is better nowadays. I know there is this tickbox, which allows you to render alpha channel somehow, but not sure how well it works for actual transparency.

You can also always render the effect in front of a neutral background and try to extract the effect afterwards, similar to greenscreen.

And then there are some other ways of rendering effects. Simon shows one method here:

Hope this helps, let me know which method worked best for you.