I got curious on my own and did some quick tests. At the heart of this method, this is just a dot product thats controling a lerp fade, based on the facing direction of the sprite and the cameras forward vector.
Here are the two setups I have. One with a Normalized Dot Product and one with a clamped remaping. Each has different fucntions.
In this image, we are looking at the values from the Niagara Module, and you can see that when the camera vector is aligned with the sprite face, we get a 1 value.
With just a Normalized Dot product and no clamp, we can start going into the inverse of the sprite facing, which returns a negative value. Using the remap, you can more control over the max and min input values youre wanting.
I hope this helps and you’ve gain some more understanding of the process. If you’re interested in learning about DOT product and Cross products, lots of good reading material should be available.