VFX i made for Shadow of Death

Hey Guys. I’m Hai Anh, I’m create the VFX for SoD.
This is my first time posting here.
When I was planning this game, my team’s initial goal was to adopt the style of LOL and Daksider, Dark Soul 3,… I put it all together and got a pretty decent product. I learned many new things after doing this project, I want to share it with you guys. :smiley:

If you have any questions about the or how i create the effect please comment, and everyone can see better picture quality on artstation: https://www.artstation.com/anhnh

These are examples :


skill3 skill4 skill1


Wow! Looks really cool! The combination of the character dissolve with smoke and small particles really helps to make a smooth teleportation transition. :+1:

Thank you for liking my work, I will update more new vfx characters :smiley: