VFX courses?

Constructive criticism from other people is probably a really helpful thing.
But on the other hand it may prevent that you find your own style that makes you stand out. :wink:

I think it needs time and ( slow, not hasty ) learning-by-doing to start thinking like a VFX artist. It’s like learning a language… at some point you start to feel homey with all the tools and your workflow and you just know how to do things.

Iterate your VFX. When you are done with one effect, come back some days later and look at it again. Search for things you don’t like and replace them until you are satisfied.
If you think ( or feel ) something is missing add more effect layers.

And create organic.
Use for example animations with ac- and deceleration instead if linear animations.
Use asymmetrical shapes instead of mirrored “butterflies”.
Surprise the beholder with unexpected effect layers and timing. :slight_smile:


This might also help: