VFX by cokey

Really good stuff man! Great job.

Great work, colorful and intense. Inclusion of sound effects really packs a punch as well. :slight_smile:

These are so gorgeous!!!

I love everything in that reel. Amazing work. :smiley:

哇咔咔咔,支持支持!!可叔还是这么叼…Shut up and take my money:imp:

66666支持可叔!! great work

This is a faith Cokey_Li Support Support



It’s mesh,and i print a textures.:slight_smile:

I’m not in tencent now,i stay home :slight_smile:

可叔 还是厉害啊 吼吼吼 期待课程。 坐等发工资了:joy:

Great show-reel. The fireball around 0:42, I love it! :fire:



@Cokey_Li you are finally here! :slight_smile: good job!

EDIT: Great reel! This first dragon breath looks soooo sick! Any details would be great! :slight_smile:

Wow! amazing reel! bookmarked! :smiley:

I will always remember that you are my mentor:grin:

Incredible work! I’m going to have to dig in and figure out your techniques :grinning:

Crazy!!! Great stuff!!! i like it! :smiley: