Hello ! I recently tried to include various VAT uses in my work but I encountered a problems of texture compression.
In Unreal I can use “HDRcompressed” setting and the animation still hold up pretty well.
When I compare the Ressource size between HDRCompressed and HDR, there no change.
When I try compress the texture in BC6H myself, I see quite a big quality loss.
Which make the animation quite lo-fi
Here is the blue channel of the texture :
xtexconv BC6H :
Unreal BC6H :
What kind of format would you export your position map ?
What format would I export?
Either an EXR, TIFF, or TGA, depending on the requirements. (signed, 16 bit, 8 bit).
What format would I use in engine?
Uncompressed. Always. If I need to reduce the file size, I’ll reduce the number of frames.
Image compression formats are not designed to hold arbitrary data, and while BC6H and BC7 are a lot better than the older BC1 and BC3 formats, I personally still find the artifacts from compression to be far more of an issue than using a reduced frame count.
VectorDisplacement with sRGB unchecked. edit: I’m not knowledgeable on HDR stuff so I don’t know if VAT actually need a HDR compression type. Probably a @Partikel question
@bgolus got it right. Some Vat types like soft can be slightly compressed if desperate. But in general, don’t compress. Reduce point count and number of frames instead.