Update mesh reproduction sprite problem with inertia

Hi everyone, this is my first post, so I hope I’m creating the topic in the correct category.

I’m creating a spark effect that your character leaves behind and falls when it moves (the character is a flying book). The problem I have is that when I add gravity, the module “Solve Forces and Velocity” generates some type of inertia that makes some particles move forward.

Do you know how I can disable this inertia? I tried to add a strong force behind to drag all the particles, but I need a big force and they move too fast.


Could you post a screenshot of your emitter and a screen recorded video of the particles behaviour?
That’s useful for the community to debug and pinpoint what’s going on in your setup

Yeah sure! Sorry haha
I’m using the mannequin because I’m still creating and animating the flying book.
Basically, Dots go forward when I stop moving. I’ve changed in “Solve forces and velocity” the values of speed limit and acceleration limit and I make them moving less but I don’ know if there is a better way to do this.

I can’t upload the video I’ve recorded (idk if i have to uploaid it on youtube and them post it as hiperlink) but what i want is the behaviour of purple and yellow dots. When I stop some of them go forward (red ones)

It looks like you’re using ue4?
I don’t remember the modules used to spawn particles on a mesh in ue4 but you might it might be sampling the velocity of the character when they spawn and they might have some residue velocity still applied
I try to force set the particles velocity to 0 at the spawn particles stage

Thanks! It worked.
I’ve used a SetVelocityTo0 from scratch pad