Unreal Post Process - Desaturating emissive vfx

Hello, I was trying to desaturate the scene using a post process material, but I encountered an issue, I can’t find a way make it affect effects which are using emissive materials. Is that possible to do it through a post process, or is it something I need to change in the emissive material of the effect itself?

It’s probably because your effect has a translucent material that renders into a separate translucency pass. You might be able to prevent it by rendering into the main pass. Maybe also velocity & depth required, but not 100% sure.
Settings here in the material:

Also, don’t forget that there is post process settings as well, as to when the post process draws.
So you could alternatively change the post process order. E.g. to Before Translucency:

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That actually worked, thank you!

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