TheReturnal global airflow/fluid simulation

Hi there, it’s been a while since the last time I posted in here but I wanted to share a bit of the knowledge I’ve found lately.
Those past few mounth, I’ve been doing a lot of research and thinking about this “Globalised airflow/fluid” I was talking about it my very first post. First of all things, I want to thank all of you for your help ! All the guidelines, keywords, links shared inhere were very helpful to have a starting point for my research on the subject.

The past 3 mounth, I’ve been searching for as much usefull documentation and knowledge on the subject, while trying to grasp how render target works in Unreal (because it appeared to me like a basic knowledge to have before going further). Since there is actualy not much documentation on the main-subject (globalised responsive 3D fluidsimulation pipeline) I could find, it resulted in a long list of tutorials, documentations, talks on several sub-subjects that I found interesting for me to learn.
(Spoiler: this will be a long post, sorry in advance for the mess)

To begin with, in addition to TheReturnal VFX breakdown (link in the post above), the Ghost of Tsushima VFX breakdown really is full of interesting topics and hints:

I’ve found several channel of maths popularization that seemed pretty nice for a first overview from a stricly theorical point of view. Here are some talks and documentation about fluid simulation I’ve found:

For render target, I’ve found Dokipen’s damage accumulation video series and Simon’s work on recording flipbook at runtime really helpfull (in addition to the ContentExample project related map). Here are direct links to those two:

For texture sampling in Niagara, the topic was covered by several different youtube chanels (GamedevOutpost, SemSchreuder, TharleVFX), choice is yours:

Regarding Grid2D feature in Niagara and advection principles, I’ve found 2 main knowledge providers in Dokipen and Andreas Glad (still in addition to the ContentExample project example in NiagaraAdvanced map):

Concerning the NeighborGrid3D feature, except for Asher Zhu content, I didn’t find some really noticeable video tutorial. On the other hand, the ContentExample project is full of example using this specific feature to learn from:
NiagaraAdvancedParticle map → examples 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.4 / 3.5
Plugin/NiagaraContent/DefaultAssets/templates/BehaviorExamples → GridLocation (emitter)
Plugin/GroomContent/Emitters → GroomRods (emitter) (thanks to @FRGFX for the idea)

I’ve found a lot of knowledge about Distance Field (that seems to be a really cool feature btw). To begin with, to understand a bit more how this feature works mathematically and why it is so powerful (to say something else than “magic” aha) I highly recommand to look at this talk from David Hill, Wyeth Johnson and Bill Kladis on Maths for artists (link to the related sequence):

Other than that, there is some content ready to watch content to know more about to actualy use those inside Unreal in addition to the official Unreal documentation:

I hope all of this gathered knowledge will be usefull to someone. :innocent:

I’ll be getting back to my learning process (when I find time for it), and hope to come back here soon to share some results and my plan for next steps (too much messy to be shared for now :roll_eyes:)
Hope you enjoy the reading, see you soon, and may the VFX be with you as usual guys! :grin: :sparkles: