RC Plane Explosion


I have been told in my long road to becoming a professional VFX artist to find cool effects in the latest games and copy them. With the release of Modern Warfare earlier this year, I am going to be taking a swing at copying a few effects.

The first is the explosions happening along the ground from the exploding planes in mission 4: Proxy War -

Here’s a link to the pinterest page: https://www.pinterest.com/willquinlanfx/mw-style-explosion/

All feedback is appreciated, please enjoy!

I actually had a bit of an issue with making the spark trails for the embers. I’m using an orbit node on the embers to give them the more erratic motion like they do in the reference, but I couldn’t get the little sparks to follow along. The embers emit from the points where the embers would be without the orbit, and neither the Emitter Location nor Ribbon approaches got it to work properly.

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