Need Direction with Unclear Infinite Loop Error

Unreal Engine 5.5. I need a little help and a direction to point in while trouble shooting this issue. Out of nowhere I started getting Infinite loop detected - Log:

Infinite loop detected. Blueprint:  Stats_FunctionLibrary Function:  Sequence Call Stack:  Show

Script call stack:
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_ActivableAttachment_Master.BP_ActivableAttachment_Master_C:ReceiveBeginPlay
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_ActivableAttachment_Master.BP_ActivableAttachment_Master_C:ExecuteUbergraph_BP_ActivableAttachment_Master
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_Attachment_Master.BP_Attachment_Master_C:ReceiveBeginPlay
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_Attachment_Master.BP_Attachment_Master_C:ExecuteUbergraph_BP_Attachment_Master
	Function /Game/System/FunctionLibraries/GeneralUsage_FunctionLibrary.GeneralUsage_FunctionLibrary_C:GetRatingColor
	Function /Game/System/FunctionLibraries/Stats_FunctionLibrary.Stats_FunctionLibrary_C:Get Gear Stats Rating

Infinite loop detected. Blueprint:  Stats_FunctionLibrary Function:  Branch Call Stack:  Show

	Script call stack:
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_FiringAttachment_Master.BP_FiringAttachment_Master_C:ReceiveBeginPlay
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_FiringAttachment_Master.BP_FiringAttachment_Master_C:ExecuteUbergraph_BP_FiringAttachment_Master
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_ActivableAttachment_Master.BP_ActivableAttachment_Master_C:ReceiveBeginPlay
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_ActivableAttachment_Master.BP_ActivableAttachment_Master_C:ExecuteUbergraph_BP_ActivableAttachment_Master
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_Attachment_Master.BP_Attachment_Master_C:ReceiveBeginPlay
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_Attachment_Master.BP_Attachment_Master_C:ExecuteUbergraph_BP_Attachment_Master
	Function /Game/Inventory/Attachments/BP_Attachment_Master.BP_Attachment_Master_C:Generate Stats
	Function /Game/System/FunctionLibraries/Stats_FunctionLibrary.Stats_FunctionLibrary_C:Get Gear Stats Rating

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Play in editor total start time 0.38 seconds.

Clicking on the sequence or branch call brings me into the Standard Macro nodes for the For Each loop. Looking at Show for each you se the call stack, which I’m assuming the last file “Gear Stats Rating” is what is calling those For Each loops.

However adding a breakpoint I see the loops being cycled through but they end and exit as they should, no infinite loops detected. I limited my infinite loops calls to 10k so I wouldn’t freeze up.

An interesting factor is, each of these attachments calls the get gears rating function from the function library - and as I delete them - e.g. lower the number of attachments that are in the scene, the infinite loops errors go from 2 to 1 and then magically disappear.

The number of Infinite loop errors is 2 when there are more than 45 attachments. and 1 error when its 30 or more, and no errors when its under 30. If I copy paste all 46 attachments, I get 4 Infinite loop errors with 90 attachments. Its a numbers thing but I really don’t know what that means.

Is this issue familiar to someone, how would I go about troubleshooting this? Aside from some obvious issue which doesn’t appear to be the case since I ran it through with breakpoints, what are other causes for Infinite loop timeouts I could explore?

Video of Count Errors:

Video of Errors: