NARUTO VFX made with unity3d

I am a ture fan of NARUTO. i remmenber the first time i played NANS4 i was deeply shocked by the effects they have made then i try to make some fond of ultimate section with Unity3d and i recorded some audio from NANS4 as well. i hope the demo could done like an Anime.
I know there are much space to improve.I would be grateful if you could give me any advise.
BTW do not forget put your headphones on. hope you will like it.


Awesome effects !!!
I would like to see a wip of at least one effect. What kind of shader were used?

i just multiply or add some textures. hope it helps.


Thank you
Any information will be useful

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thank you, That’s awesome

Man where did you get the models and animations for these? This is amazing!

Basically the models come from the Internet. i have to say a big thanks for the man who posted them. :kissing_heart:
as for animation i did it by myself. like you have seen the animation is not good enough. cuz im not a professional ANIMATOR HAHAHAHA


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Thank you
Any information will be useful

非常棒啊 能看出很有经验 大部分都是手绘效果吧?

少量贴图是手绘的 大部分是用材质和已有贴图实现的

很棒啊 赞一个~~~~~~~~~~~~!

哇 这里也能看到可叔 全球明星~~~~~~~~~~~~~


dalao please daidaiwo

da lao i love you !xie xie !!!

吊炸天~~~~~ …