I’m new to this UE4.
I make this effect in Cascade via Beam date and also tried through ribbon, everything seemed to work out well but I can’t make them animate dissipate and bend, could anyone help me to understand how the material was made in this effect?
Thanks in advance and apologizing for a stupid question).
(I’m bedly know English, sorry for this)
Hit-scan weapons are usually a beam. You can mask off the intensity of your UV distortion so that the “end” of the smoke will be distorted more, and increase the UV distortion over its lifetime.
All good! It’s not something that I’ve seen discussed too many places, so it’s probably hard info to get hold of. Slower moving things like rockets or magic orbs, etc. will be projectiles and use trails/ribbons with a SpawnPerUnit value on them.
I need your help.
I’m trying to make a liner trace, on the advice above, I tried to do it through an distortion, but it still looks somehow wrong.)
Could you tell me how to achieve a more accurate form of line trace.)
I wanted to try a fade in-out, but Beam particles don’t support Dynamic parameters because it’s a bug that UE4 still hasn’t fixed yet even though it has been reported a multiple times for over a long period.
So I tried to manipulate the values to show what you can do with the spheremask.
But you can always control the values if you have unused channels in your particle color
The cool thing is that you can change the spheremask pos from 0 to 1 and than play with the radius and eventually use that as a mask for the opacity.
Anyway I simplified your material a little bit and changed the tiling distance so that the beam UVs tile in distance (Can be foun under Beam data module).
Yes, when I try to add an internal (second) emiter line trace,
I can’t get him to be in the center of the first emiter, when I change the size it just increase up.
I want to repeat this internal trace (I circled it with a blue line).
So you said: yes, … in a second emitter.
However i don’t understand why you would do this in a second emitter.
You can for example spawn 3 ribbons at the same time using that same emitter by setting your spawn burst to 3.
(make sure your max beam count in your beam module is set to higher value)
You can also spawn by code if you add the Event receiver module you can choose to spawn but than you would have to disble kill on complete in and set emitter loops to 0 in your required module
I haven’t tested all the spawning but if it wouldn’t work you can also spawn the particle uasset multiple times in your level whenever you fire.
Anyway if you do this with multiple emitters you will have to use extra code to set their source and targets.
In your blueprint you can select your emitter index:
For your texture I figured you get a better result if you set the tilling distance to something higher like 190 (in my case).
To have variety you could use a channel on your particle color to randomly offset your textures
For your size I think it is only the impression that it is not scaling from the center because of the UV distortion you apply on the texture. I recommend maybe using a gradient to soften the distortion on the source or target like this:
Hello everyone, I’m still new to fx, and I really want to implement the fortnite beam on my project, but I can’t get it to work, please I need help on this
Take a look at Beams in Niagara. You can look at an example in the content examples (Niagara map).
You just want a Beam from the end of your weapon to the target. Then add some of the shader logic posted above to make it look better.