Limeslushie: Sketch #27 Fire

I won’t have access to my computer for a week so I can’t show how it’s made. But what i did was:

  1. Draw a crack texture with a few “depth” layers in mind.
  2. Add the texture to maya and start modeling in the cracks.
  3. Planar uv mapping from Y.
    4.In unity I animate the scale of this mesh. First it’s 0 scale (looks like a plane). Then i scale up Y during each impact to fake the depth.

To make the low fps I posterize time in the shader before scrolling textures. I used 12 steps I think.
I can show some wireframes etc later! :slight_smile:


I see, so you’re actually not going below ground level, rather scaling the mesh upwards in Y to get a bit of a parallax effect.

Great job man!) :+1:

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These flames are eye candy man. I’m mesmerized. Awesome job making it feel so animated without a flipbook. :heart_eyes:

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Here is a little breakdown of the crack mesh!


Super clever! I didn’t even consider your method as the solution

Did you form the Mesh/UV after the texture? Or how should I understand? :slight_smile:

oh damn, i assumed it was a flipbook and you changed frames on each impact. well done! :smiley:

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So what happens when you scale the crack mesh below Z=0? How do you avoid it clipping through the ground plane? :thinking:

very cool stuff is going on here. i love hoe the flame columns flickers when it gets “active” and later “deactivates”

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I just cheat. There’s a hole in the ground where this mesh is :grin:


Beautiful execution! :clap::clap::clap:

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this is really cool!

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