King’s Sketchbook

Hey Community!

I`m a long time lurker but first time poster. The realtimevfx community always has the most amazing work. The work posted here has been a fuel for inspiration and the breakdowns of shaders and processes has been so valuable. I hope to contribute back to the community. (3)

For my first post I have been working one blast of an effect :smiley: I used Houdini, Substance, Photoshop, Amplify and Unity to create this. I look forward to any and all critique and feedback!


Hello hello hello!!!

Today I have a wip for ya! I was inspired a YouTube video. PolyToots in his video he goes over how to deform a mesh with a particle. I want to do a similar thing. Instead of deforming a blanket up, I`m trying to deform grass out. (4)

This wip has an issue I’m still trying to work out. The grass pushing more in one direction than the other. Its pushing in x+ very well but only a little in x-. When I try to increase it everything starts moving in Y.

I’ll keep at it but any advice is appreciated and if you have any questions I`m happy to share the wip shader!!!

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