How to turn off the influence of light on vfx

Hello! Anybody know, how can I remove the influence of level lighting on the color of my effect? I tryed use Unlit material and Eye Adaptaion node, its almost nothing do. You can see in the picture that my laser is red in the shadows, in the light it is yellow. But real color is red.

If you played games like Path of Exile 2, you could see, that blue lightning always blue on the all levels.

How you’re boosting your texture color, could you upload the settings + texture?

I change the color inside Niagara, added screenshots.

When you’re using additive blend mode it takes into account for the final color the background. Using Premultiplied Alpha helps to maintain additive while also preserving the colors against every background, it’s used in many games like Diablo III, here its explained:

Thanks for video. I changed the material to AlphaComposite, but it just made my emissive stronger and I lost the movement of the texture through the panner. If you reduce the emissivity, the visual will again become the same as it was. Or does something else need to be changed in the material?

In the video, Blizzard simply says that their method is similar to Alpha Premultiplied in their engine, but this knowledge cannot be properly applied unless you are a render programmer.

Oh yep if you’re losing the texture is because on AlphaComposite materials the setup is a bit different and you need to multiply the opacity to the emissive color of the material, here’s a post from a while back from someone also explaining how the blend mode works if it helps!

Even though the alpha composite can help, you also need to take into account that the color of the background influence translucent materials, even if they’re additive or alphacomposite, so I don’t think your issue is with the lighting affecting the color but rather that a red color against the yellow bright of the sand is not going to work as well as against a darker background like in the shadow. You can also see that on the documentation of the post I linked.

I would try adding a second laser in your Niagara system that is rendered behind the one you have and is a dark red and less defined so that it works sort of like a background to your main laser and helps creating more color contrast, sort of like this:

Hope it helps!

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Yes, the alpha composite improves the color a little, and so does the second laser. Thank you!

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I just wanted to further add background environment lighting/saturation for games ideally shouldn’t exceed a certain amount of brightess/saturation that leaves very little overhead for vfx. (ideally should be in the midtones or darker for brightness). Plus overly saturated and bright environment lighting generally makes it hard to read and unnatural as nature is more desaturated. I think there’s like a blizzard/dota vfx documentation art bible that states these art principals.