How can I get a dark red emissive instead of light orange emissive?

this might be a stupid question but is there a way in unreal to get a dark red emissive instead of light orange emissive?
As soon as I put some emissive values, red becomes orange. I want something more like the laser on the right

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Not a stupid question at all, more of an unreal-being-an-ass thing.

If you want red emissives to have a white center like other emissives, you wanna change the saturation to something like .975. You can probably go higher, I generally go for .975 to be safe.

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That works great! The center is now red but the glow is still orange. Do you know how to get dark red instead?

This is great. Thanks!

Thereā€™s generally no such thing as dark emissive, what are you seeing is very low values of emissive layered over a black background. if you were to change the background it wouldnā€™t be ā€˜dark redā€™.

What you want to look into is modulate blend modes/materials, this allows you to ā€œdarkenā€ your translucent emissive. th is essentially multiplies your emissive colour value below 1, with the scene colour.


Try a hue between 355 and 359, like cyberafterlife already wrote, a saturation slightly below 1 and you should get a white center with a red glow. H, S and V correlate and the texture will have a strong impact on the result, too.