Hovl: Sketch #65

Hi, I want to participate. I don’t have enough time this month but I will try.

Upd. My final work:


It’s so hard to generate an idea. I have been suffering for 3 weeks :sob:
As soon as I have an idea, a day later I think it’s bad. Is it a creative crisis?

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Hah, I thought i was the only one. Having the exact same issue. I want to participate but my ideas keep getting bigger and bigger until the point I have to drop it or don’t like it anymore.

Yeah, now I’m thinking that yesterday idea with the ice laser from the ice flower is not so good. I need something better :joy_cat:

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I have an idea to make a beautiful ice explosion with the spikes. Then I will see.
Made an ice material in SD and Parallax crater multiplying parallax with opacity texture:

Sculpted a peace of ice in Blender

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It looks like I need to spend more time on spikes material… now ice is ugly :face_vomiting:

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Now is better

I just change texture scale to 0.5 + added side lines.

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Just remade my old screen space ice shader using a “render feature”.

I use the same ice texture as for the ground.

Omg. Now it’s 3 full day of work from the morning to the evening, from 11 to 19.

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Looks great so far Hovl!

The ice looks much better now that it feels less like a screen space crack overlay and more like the bright spots are contouring the edges and center of energy. The ground effects are looking good too but I think the screen overlay seems a bit stretched/distorted?

I’m also losing the read on the original parallax craters since its so bright now, maybe shift towards more teal/green before going straight to white? Maybe it’s just a post-process thing.

Just some ideas, excited to see more progress!

Super late but hope to join last minute on 65 and start soon too :slight_smile:

Thank you. You idea with color is awesome. I wish I had more time to change the effect, but unfortunately I only have 1 day before a month-long trip. So tomorrow I want to quickly put everything together in a sequencer. The brightness is so big because I changed BiRP to URP to use a screen space shader and didn’t set up the Bloom effect. I will edit it.

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Jeez, that looks really quite nice!

Thank you, I put a lot of effort in this effect😊

Chinese technik😅