I had experiment create fire effect without use bloom
The texture was done in After Effects
I had experiment create fire effect without use bloom
The texture was done in After Effects
Lovely The bloom is a little too strong, i think. Your texture is real nice.
Nice , although i’d try to reduce scrolling speed and add some falloff to the top ( may be done with a vertex color )…But texture itself could make some cool smoke fx,good job
oh that’s a very interesting way of doing such a texture! i never used AE so i’m thankful that you shared that piece <3
hey,Bro!!that‘s so cool。 how to make this texture in aftereffect!!
Would love to know that too, the texture looks very cool !
You can achieve this using Trapcode Particular.
Spawn particles in a straight line, wind up, apply turbulence, then use the Echo effect, amp up the samples and fade those, then apply some extra vector blur to avoid stepping artifacts.