Beginner-Friendly Realtime VFX Ressources

Hey everyone :blush:

I wanted to thank this wonderful community. The invaluable resources on this forum, especially the posts by Shannon (Berke) McSheehan & Simon Trümpler, have helped me grow tremendously as a VFX artist. Thank you all so much!

To continue the virtuous circle of knowledge sharing, I’m creating Realtime VFX tutorials and I’m gathering links to all my free tutorials and breakdowns in this topic to make them easily accessible for newcomers.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or feedback !

VFX Breakdown made for Stylized Station :
:point_right: The Witcher III “Igni” fan art breakdown

VFX Vlog/Breakdown made for P2design :
:point_right: Chronicles of my entry for the 11th Artstation Challenge (VFX Concept Art category)
:point_right: Chronicles of my entry for the 11th Artstation Challenge (VFX Production category)

VFX Tutorials made for P2design :
:point_right: How to quickly animate a static texture using UV Distortion
:point_right: UVs and UV distortion Theory
:point_right: How to make Butterflies
:point_right: How to make Dust Puffs
:point_right: How to make Sparks
:point_right: How to make a Campfire (3-part video)
:point_right: How to make Smears in Unreal Engine
:point_right: How to make Smears in Unity Engine
:point_right: How to make Spooky Eyes

List Update - 28/02/2023

Added the Sparks & Lightning VFX Tutorial in Unreal Engine 5 to the list.

:link: (1)

List Update - 27/03/2023

Added the Smokepuffs VFX Tutorial in Unreal Engine 5 to the list.


List Update - 18/04/2023

Added the Butterflies VFX Tutorial in Unreal Engine 5 to the list.

:link: (4)

List Update - 21/06/2023

Added the first VFX Vlog/Breakdown video about my journey through the 11th Artstation Challenge (VFX Concept Art Category)

:link: (1)

List Update - 26/06/2023

Added the second VFX Vlog/Breakdown video about my journey through the 11th Artstation Challenge (VFX Production Category)


List Update - 27/11/2023

Added two samples of my VFX Course Ablaze about the theory behind UVs and how to animate a fire texture through UV distortion




Thanks for mentioning be <3

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I’ve been meaning (and planning) on updating the Getting Started in Real Time VFX post, and I’ll be sure to add a mention or link(s) to your tutorials as well :slight_smile: It’s wonderful people like you that have helped make vfx much more accessible and easier to get into for newer people, and anyone looking to just get a better understanding of the subject. Thanks so much for putting all the effort into this! :sparkles: :sparkling_heart:

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Thanks a lot :blush: ! Can’t wait to see the update on your post !

It’s been tough finding the time lately, unfortunately. A few other people have reached out about including other resources in the 2.0 version, and I think it will take a full weekend to get everything together and polish it up :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Just updated the list of resources by adding my new vlog/breakdown hybrid video about my journey through the Artstation Challenge ! The second one will come by next week ! Hope you’ll enjoy it :blush: !

for some reason completely missed this post, thanks for the resources, can’t wait to see the second part of your video!

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Second video is out :smiley: !

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So I saw, Much love! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Just released two new videos about UVs theory and UV distortion, samples from my new VFX Course : Ablaze