Announcement : Realtime VFX Portfolio Feature!


Hey all,

The built-in portfolio page is changing.
Until now it has displayed all topics you created in a long list. This means that it will also include any questions or resources you post as well as unfinished work.
To solve this, you will now be able to select which topics to display by tagging it with the portfolio tag.
Furthermore, the portfolio will now be displayed as large image tiles!
This will show off your work directly in the page rather than requiring viewers to click through on every topic.

How to use the new portfolio page:

To add a topic to the portfolio, set the category to Personal work select one of the required personal work tags, then also select the portfolio tag.

Now, when you go to your portfolio page, you will see it displayed in there. Tiles are ordered by the date you added the topic, so your newer work will automatically be displayed first!

You can of course also remove work by removing the portfolio tag from your topic. No longer requiring you to delete it.

That is all. Hopefully you enjoy the feature a bit more now.


Nice, cool addition :slight_smile:

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