Hello! I’m a first-year college student and I recently became interested in VFX for video games. The only issue is that I have no clue where to start. I’m coming from absolute zero experience in VFX, so searching for the “right” tutorial is not going so well. I would hopefully like to get an internship in 2025 or 2026, so I have some time to get experience under my belt! I’m hoping to work for companies like Riot, Blizzard, Capcom, etc. but I know that may be a reach. So far all I’ve done is downloaded and taken a peek at Unity, and watched some videos about the artistic principles of VFX. Any tips on where or how exactly to start my VFX journey?
Perhaps a good start would be to look at tutorials on beginning niagara in unreal engine, then figure out some small project for yourself like say, effect you saw in another game (like a heal spell or something basic) and try to recreate it. Then as you hit any blockers you can try to look up stuff.
Your sparks going through the floor instead of bouncing? Look up collisions for emitters in Niagara. Got some whispy particles flying around and dunno how to make a little trail behind it? Look up trails using ribbons in niagara. etc etc.
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