I am trying to replace gif with something that offers better alpha, the only thing I can find is WebP but support tools seem horrible
there seems to be no google>drive>hosting/encoding for WebP this takes mp4’s and does an OK job with mp4 (@GregorySilva I borrowed this ok?)
I want a lossless PNG sequence from Flash and photoshop plugin is useless
ideally I want to drag into google/youtube and have it encode (RGBA png sequences) and host webP
after all it was made by google
OH well, APNG is working so we can start using that! Animated PNG (APNG) Maker
790kb for 100 frames
hrm that’s not great considering mpeg video compression would prob be 5% the size… to bad you can’t embed them like an image
edit sorry for bump, but I am updating this with info as I have time
WebP is not supported and wont embed even when hosted
though I can get the explosion to 66% quality at 228kb