UV Question for VFX texture

Hello, I’m looking to put some text around this disk within the separated sections so I was wondering how I can unwrap them into straight strips with minimal distortion to allow for this process to be easier in texturing?

I don’t know much about unwrap uv technique. But for this kind of disc mesh with straight uv, you can just start with a plane, subdivide it, then use simple deform modifier to bend it 360 degrees. There, your UV is still straight since it was initially plane.

I’ll give this a go, thank you for the response!

You could also set up radial UVs in the material shader if you dont want to deal with meshes. Both have pros and cons, its just a different way to achieve the same result.

You can straighten the UV shells using something like mio3_uv for Blender - just add a seam/cut on each circle and you can unfold it into a rectangular strip