Unreal Engine Niagara VFX Tutorials

Mesh Particle Flow | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorial | UE4 Niagara Mesh Particle Flow

hi guys in this video i will make a cool looking mesh particle flow effect in unreal engine and these particle will erode by scale with the help of a custom module script.

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Custom Attractor Force | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorial | UE4 Niagara Custom Force

Hi guys in this video i will make a custom attractor force module in unreal engine niagara.


Egg Burst Effect | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorial | UE4 Niagara Egg Explode

Hi guys in this video i will make egg explode/burst effect in unreal engine niagara.


Volumetric Sky Quick Review in Unreal Engine 4.25

Volumetric Sky Quick Review in Unreal Engine 4.25


Fire Creature Effect | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorial | UE4 Niagara Fire

hi guys in this video i have created a fire character in unreal engine niagara.


Lightning Creature Effect | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorial | UE4 Niagara Lightning

hi guys in this video i have created a lightning creature effect in unreal engine Niagara. it includes lighting on character body, some rays coming out of the body and a beam falling down with some particles and stones

Cannon Shot Effect | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Cannon Shot

in this video i have created a cannon shot effect in unreal engine niagara and you can shot with mouse control and also rotate cannon with keyboard shortcut.

Magical Lamp and Genie Effect | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara magical Lamp Genie

hi guys in this video i have created a magical lamp and genie effect from Aladdin and this is very simple effect but looks nice so i thought to make a tutorials on that, the main part of this is smoke which is moving along a spline for that i have created a custom module script for Niagara so that i can choose any spline and smoke will follow that and i can edit spline any time.

Insect Flock in UE4 Niagara | Inspired From UE5 Demo

hi guys as you know Epic has launched a demo video of Unreal engine 5 and that was mind blowing video and also inspired me to make those insect flock in Unreal engine Niagara 4.25. in this video insects are following lighting but you can change it so the insect will go away from the light. i will show you that setting.


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Rotate Vector & Sine |Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Rotate Vector and Sine

For this cool looking effect i used simple Rotate vector and sine parameters in unreal engine niagara.


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Snowfall Scene | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Snowfall

hi guys i have created this snowfall scene in unreal engine Niagara and the model of hut i downloaded from above link. for this effect i have several emitters like fog crawling in the scene and lots of snow emitter variation for snowflakes, snowflakes slow then medium size snow, small size snow and some bokeh particles also there for depth.


Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Tutorials

hi guys for this effect i downloaded animated girl from mixamo.com and the monster mesh i downloaded from cadnav.com check the link above. so first i scaled animated girl in blueprint when is land on the ground she scaled down zero and then monster appear through blueprint i scaled monster also. and when girl land on ground there a hit effect Niagara system which has flash, smoke and sparks, distortion after that effect monster character starts erode through material and blueprint and some particle spawns from character (i have shown my other two tutorials for disintegration effect like this).


Birds Flock | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Bird Flock

hi guys in this video you will learn how to make a birds flock in unreal engine Niagara. flying birds randomly and facing the velocity and make a material for flap animation of birds wings and some more parameters in material to randomize color of birds.


Portal Effect in Unreal Engine 4 inspired from Unreal Engine 5 Portal | UE4 Niagara Portal

Hi guys i have created this portal effect in unreal engine 4.25 Niagara and this effect is inspired from unreal engine 5 demo video portal effect. although this is not exactly same but i tried it in very limited time.

Sci-fi Tank Effect | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Scifi Tank

hi guys i have created this sci-fi tank effect in unreal engine Niagara and mostly part is done through material but i am animation those material in Niagara. i have lots of different layers of emitters for this effect like, wire frame, shine, Fresnel, particles, lens flare, light, i will show you each emitter settings and all material.

Fish Flock | Unreal engine 4.25 Niagara tutorial | UE4 Niagara Particle Attribute Reader

hi guys i have created this under water scene in unreal engine 4.25 i used Niagara new tool Particle Attribute reader data interface for fish flocks and other Niagara system is bubbles i have also animated fish in material that i will show you in this video.

Plexus effect with Particle Attribute Reader | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Plexus

hi guys i have created a simple plexus effect in unreal engine Niagara with particle attribute reader and this all particle based effect but i will also show you how to create same effect with Niagara ribbon.

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Weapon Projectile | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Projectile

In this video i have created this projectile effect in unreal engine Niagara for this i used some elements like a axe as a weapon then three different type of trails like color tails, black train, fire trail and particle trails and i also created a source effect fro projectile for that i used a smoke ring that is rotating and some particle burst in a ring shape and falling on ground with some lights.

Weapon Fx | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Weapon Fx

hi guys for this weapon fx i used some elements from my previews tutorial β€œweapon projectile” so i recommend that tutorial for better understanding. so in this effect i have a weapon axe then second emitter is lots of GPU particles emitters from static mesh that is axe and the third emitter is a texture animating on a mesh planer so this is very simple but still good looking effect.

Particle Attribute Reader | Unreal Engine Niagara Tutorials | UE4 Niagara Particle Attribute Reader

hi guys i have created this random effect in unreal engine Niagara using particle attribute reader. its very simple effect you can easy create this after watching this video.
