UE4 orbiting particles

Hello :slight_smile:

I want to make an asteroid ring. Is there a way to rotate or orbit the particles around the center?

I cant make the Orbit module into a cylinder like shape, since it orbits in a sphere shape. I just want to rotate around the Z axis. Can anybody help? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance :smiley:

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Are we talking cascade here?

If you only offset over one axis and only rotate over one axis, you should get a circle, then just spawn with a location module to offset particles over the other axis

Alternatively spawn using cylinder location then use a blueprint to animate rotation


Just in case anyone was interested in a Niagara solution, here is how I tackled it!
Also here is a screenshot for easy viewing!


Immediatley after posting about this I thought of a better way to do it with MATH! I hope this helps others who were wondering how to do it!