我的特效作品 魔法闪电(12个字符很难凑)

5d3f99895a1d3 我的特效作品


Super great work!

Love the colors and the shapes :sparkles:

厉害!是使用Unity制作的吗?Cool! Is that made by Unity?

so cool. cant wait for the breakdown <3

是的 , Yes Yes Yes Yes

Well done, I like this work = ) I have some points here - the charge up lightnings are completely different than the rest and they go directyl into her hip without having a direct visual impact on her. I would suggest next adding and aura effect to show that she is “charged up” and ready to blast off that ligtnings. Have a look at zenitsu thunder breathing

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great work! 国内大佬越来越多啦~

