Sven Majerus - VFX Sketchbook

can I have a breakdown please!?

Hey Jack_o… sorry for the late reply… been super busy the last days and that will still be the case which means that currently, I dont really have the time to make a breakdown of this effect. Since I’m currently on the job hunt, I need to focus my time on getting my portfolio up to speed

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Talking about portfolio, yesterday I finished this piece. It was inspired by Daniil Tolmachov’ concepts and gave me the perfect opportunity to test out the new Unreal 5 AnimToTexture Plugin.

Laughin Skull VFX


Like mentioned, for this I created the animations in Blender on a standard skeletal mesh, nothing too fancy. In Unreal I converted the skeletal mesh into a static mesh with the UV’s properly set up for vertex animation and converted the animation into Vertex Animation Textures which allowed me to have animated skeletal meshes:

The outline effect is the typical hull effect as known by many others. I basically duplicated the mesh, flipped the normals and scaled the mesh negatively along the Vertex Normals.

Hope you like it :smiley:


Hey guys :smiley:

I finished this piece yesterday. It’s a cyber projectile based on my own concept :smiley:


Funny enough, this is also the first time I did a concept for anything xD

Here are the separate parts:



I hope you like it ^^


Looking good ! Well done :grin:

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I love it! Really gives me Transistor vibes :smiley:


Hey guys, long time no update. I found some time again to work on a portfolio piece, so here it is:

Holograffiti Bomb

The piece is inspired by this concept of Geoffrey Amesse:

This is the post process shader I created to get the chromatic abberation effect. Pretty straightforward stuff actually. It uses a noise texture to determine when the different RGB channels of the final image should be pushed or pulled

And here’s another important shader I used for most of my sprites:

It’s essentially just a step panning anisotropic noise texture that is distorting the sprite.

I hope you like it :smile:


Hey guys, here’s the latest VFX I worked on:

Dark Matter Beam VFX

This piece is inspired by the awesome concept of LiuYongJie

There’s nothing really fancy shader wise to show this time, this work’s main focus was to do the concept justice and to work on on the timing from build-up to beam blast.