Substitute the node noise in Unreal Engine Material editor

Hello everyone. I need help with Unreal Engine Material editor.
There is a node called “noise”, it Just display a noise. It accepts as input a vector 3.

But this node is too much expensive, everyone alerts to dont use it. So i ask for you: what can i do to substitute for the noise node? I dont need to get the exactly same result, but when i try to use a simple noise texture sample it doesnt work because the texture sample just accepts a vector 2 as inputs and not a 3. I need some way to my perlin noises accept vector 3s as inputs. Can you please give some help?

If you want to sample the same 2d texture but from all sides at once it is called Triplanar Mapping, you will get some small seams on the borders but in most cases for effects it can work.
Here is the setup.

Wow :open_mouth: Thanks for answering and even making this.
Like in the example i displayed before, if i have an append node that is the result of a bunch of nodes, and want to connect to the noise, i could do with the Noise node by connecting this append into the “Position” and it would accept (as it accepts vector 3), Just like the image.

By following your technique, where would the append node that has the result of a bunch of other nodes be connected?

I don’t think I follow exactly what you are saying. The append node is used only to combine vectors, in your example you have a texture coordinate node which is a 2d vector and you append a 0 which is vector 1, or float and you get vector 3 from the append=(1,1,0) which the engine interprets as a position.
In my example, you don’t need to append because you sample a 2d texture so you need a 2d vector to represent the 2d space in which the texture will be mapped.

To sample the noise node in Unreal you need most times only the World Position node. As shown here.

Alternatively, if you think the noise node is too expensive for your project you can always create your 3d texture in Houdini and Substance and sample it instead like above.

Yeah, as Ivan already mentioned. Use textures whenever possible.
Depending on your usecase, you either use a 2D texture with 2D UVs, or a VolumeTexture and then also 3D UVs.
There are some good volume textures inside the Volumetrics Plugin.


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