Yo! Some buddies were asking about the practical application of this trail. I wanted to show an example of how I used this exact trail in League of Legends
This is Kayn, he’s a shadow assassin that battles for control over a powerful possessed weapon. He transforms halfway through the game depending on who wins, Kayn, or the weapon Rhaast! Kayn has the power to walk through walls:
Maybe you already recognize the trail
Here it is in isolation:
I have one trail (like the above scrolling ones) that is being multiplied by itself scrolling at a slower rate (the red trail in the gif above) To give it that shadowy, inky dissolve I have an alpha erosion over the emitters lifetime:
Here is the trail WITHOUT the mult, just the alpha erosion or hue
You can get some really cool stuff with erosion That’s also what I used on Kayn’s body. If you have any questions let me know
Are those textures you make tilable or do you fade them in and out ? And if they are tilable do hand paint them in photoshop or do you use some tool to help you out?
@Travis It’s a separate texture (below) @Filip_Kovac They are tileable! I hand paint them using the technique above from the trail tutorial. I often use the Filter-> Other → Offset (wrap) to make sure everything tiles well (below)
I would love to learn more about painting textures. Especially about noise. How do you come up with them? Most of the time I’m amused how much you can achieve with just well painted noise scrolling over a mesh.
A few years’ back, Julian Love said in his GDC talk that for him, good vfx should have the entertainment quality of a firecamp.
This is exactly how if feel about this trail, I don’t get tired watching it. Also you can’t read through the textures panning, it blends so well! Lovely work.
I have really been enjoying and learning from these tutorials, but the only thing I can’t get to work is multiplying the textures together to give it that wispy feel. I have tried some different things in Unreal and Unity but can’t seem to get it to work like you have with the orange trail.
Hiya Poulift! Do you mind posting what you have? Maybe I could help from there :< We can always work in direct chat too Whatever you’re most comfortable with!
I mainly use Unity and this is my node setup using ShaderForge, along with a screenshot of the material applied to a trail. This was after messing around with opacity clipping and other things. I ended up using your example trail texture as a base to see if I could get something to work. Any advice would be appreciated.
That’s all done in After Effects with motion graphics I believe, which isn’t an area I’m familiar with x.x Sorry!! D: I can try and put you in contact with the mograph artist if you’d like?