Hi there, first post! I am playing back a Houdini Point Cloud animation within a Niagara system and am trying to transform the point positions, to rotate/reorient the entire animation around an axis (so as to point upwards instead of sideways, for example… it is not the points orientations I want to modify, rather transform the entire pointcloud uniformly, but I need to do that at the emitter level)
In a scratchpad I can add uniformly to the points positions to transpose them along X, Y or Z, but I cannot figure out how to rotate their positions around a local axis the way I would do in Houdini VEX: ie create an empty matrix, apply an axis/angle rotation to that matrix, and then finally multiply the points positions by that matrix to apply the transformation. I am seeing a lot of nodes that will potentially help with this but I am stuck. I know I am missing something really obvious here…