Ribagin: Sketch #32 Loot Box

Hey I want to join this one. I am going to create something like a steampunky, old medicine box full of glass flasks. When opened moths are going to fly out of it. I would have to create the environment also :smiley: Lets see If I have the time. Cheers!


Made some progress with the box.
I used an asset from Megascans as a base and then created the lid and padlocks in Houdini.

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I decided I need a bigger box to fit the bottles and moths.
Also I started working on the environment. Found a photo of a bookcase and exported normal and height maps.

I wanted the moths to fly towards something then disappear and I thought a light bulb would be best so I did a simple one in Houdini. Moths would burn and disappear when near the light.

I started working on the moths. Made the textures and material for one wing. I use rotate around axis in the vertex shader for flapping. I would fit four wings in one texture to have some variety.
Moths Material test

I did not think I would have the time but I think I manage to finish it.
Here it is:


I wanted to work more on the moths like make 4 different types of wings and do a better body but could not find the time. I would appreciate any feedback :slight_smile: