Question: Who are we?

This has to be some kind of visibility issue that might need addressing. I wrote up a not-so-small post for people just getting into, or having an interest in real time vfx. Keith even turned into a wiki and pinned it to the top of the Resources section, so it would be the first thing new people saw. I cover and provide resources for everything from software, hardware, where to start, fundamentals of vfx, and even a link to the other thread I wrote up on my perspective of what it was like to start out as a junior/associate fx artist with no prior industry experience. I didn’t make either of those a step-by-step guide on making particle systems and fx from scratch, but I included every free resource a new fx artist could possibly get their hands on.

The entire point of that post was to help guide new people so that they didn’t need to struggle to find info like myself and anyone else who started since ImbueFX’s website closed down. I don’t mean to sound like an old man yelling at clouds, but there is probably 2-3x the info and resources in there than were available to me when I started.
Maybe it needs more exposuer? :thinking: