Official VFX Sketch #7: Deaths Mark

Welcome to the August VFX Sketch! Get out your popcorn, play a few hours of Dark Souls and start thinking “dark magic” because we’re taking a tour of deaths realm!

The Challenge (create an effect based on the following): “Deaths Mark

Submitting: Create a new topic in the “Events > 07 - Deaths Mark” category with your name in the title and the sketch number (e.g.: “Susie Stevens: Sketch #7 WIP”, and post your work! This includes any work in progress you may want to show as well as your final result. Final entries should be posted through either Vimeo, Youtube, or as a high quality GIF.

Please be sure to cite your sources if you are using another artists work as a base, or even taking inspiration! Remember, this is a learning platform, and is meant to be used as personal work that pushes you technically and/or artistically!

Timeline: One month (Aug. 1st - Aug. 31st 11:59 pm PST)

Scoring and Winners: Sketch badges will be awarded to all participants. Points will be earned based on the amount of likes/buzz your topic receives (hint: show your work in progress ;))

1st Place (most likes and buzz): 1st place VFX Sketch badge
2nd Place (second most likes and buzz): 2nd place VFX Sketch badge
All Participants (put forth a visible worthy effort): participation badge

“Voting”: To vote for your favorite entries, all you have to do is drop some love by clicking the like button on any of the owners posts within their topic during the course of the month. This is not the only factor in determining the winners but it is heavily influential in the final results. Winners will be selected by the 3rd of the following month.

As always, if you have any question feel free to ask below!

Good luck and have fun!


This one seems pretty abstract. Is it like a resurrection spell, or some offensive magic? Any additional info to help narrow down what this should be?

I was just thinking but figured people would do w/e the hell they felt

I want a decrepit skeleton hand to manifest out of the ground, and grasp a character to apply a debuff spell

Sounds good, I was just at a bit of a loss on this one after the last two were so specific

I like how open this one is.

Got something special planned, lets hope I find the time to excecute it :smiley:

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It’s left fairly vague to let people interpret it as they will, however I do see that it may be TOO vague xD

Something along the line of these is what I originally imaged, but it’s really up to you guys!

If you want to create a realistic sim of a pumpkin blowing up and theme it somehow towards deaths mark then more power to you! xD

I personally enjoy the openness of the topic. I have something fun and unique on this one.


Hey guys, I don’t want to leave anyone here hanging for the winner and next sketch announcement (which is one that I’ve been thinking about for a while that should be pretty awesome xD), I’m a bit tied down ATM but will get to both of these things done tonight. Thank you for your patience and Happy September :smile: