Official VFX Sketch #3: Dragon's Breath

Welcome to the third Official VFX Sketch!

The Challenge (create an effect based on the following): “Dragon’s Breath

Submitting: Create a new topic in the “Events > 03 - Dragon’s Breath” category with your name in the title and the sketch number (e.g.: “Susie Stevens: Sketch #3 WIP”, and post your work! This includes any work in progress you may want to show as well as your final result. Final entries should be posted through either Vimeo or YouTube.

Timeline: One month (Jan. 1st - Jan. 31st 11:59 pm PT)

Scoring and Winners: Sketch badges will be awarded to all participants. Points will be earned based on the amount of likes/buzz your topic receives (hint: show your work in progress ;))

1st Place (most likes and buzz): 1st place VFX Sketch badge
2nd Place (second most likes and buzz): 2nd place VFX Sketch badge
All Participants (put forth a visible worthy effort): participation badge

“Voting”: To vote for your favorite entries, all you have to do is drop some love by clicking the like button on any of the owners posts within their topic during the course of the month. This is not the only factor in determining the winners but it is heavily influential in the final results.

As always, if you have any question feel free to ask below!

Good luck and have fun!


Sounds awesome, gonna think through if I could combine this with my assetpack bonanza

I can imagine @Sam using his newly found fires to make something really neat


Awesome! I just might have to participate in this one. :dragon:


YES! :smiley: I think this’ll be fun both artistically and technically, because I think it’s something lots of games have struggled with.

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I am not able to create a new wip topic :’( I think i need more XP to do so.

Hey Parag, I sent you a PM. Let me know if you still are having an issue!

Awesome, Would love to participate

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I am not able to create a new wip topic too.

Hmm that’s strange. Make sure you are in Events>Dragon’s Breath instead of base Events. It’s a little confusing but all the posts will show in the mother category “events” when posted in the child category “Dragon’s Breath”, however you can’t post in that mother category “Events”.

Try posting in this link:

Lemme know if you’re still having issues!

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I am up for it, May not do a final video before 31st but will give it a try

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