Official VFX Sketch #1: A Haunted Halloween

Now that we’ve got our blood flowing with the posting competition, it’s time to get our hands dirty and roll out our very first Real Time VFX Sketch! Woowooo!!!

The Challenge: Using this spooky audio bite, conjure up a spell that’ll chill us with fright!

Or in other words :wink:, using the music provided, create a vfx piece that represents that same mood or feel you get when you listen to it (no worries, syncing perfectly with the file is by no means a requirement :yum:). Think of the timing, shapes and colors you could use to represent the music’s pacing and tone.

Looking for inspiration to help get those creative juices flowing? Check out Michel Gagne’s beautiful work on Rattatouille:

Submitting: all you have to do is create a new topic in the “VFXSketch: A Haunted Halloween” category with your name in the title, and post your work! This includes any work in progress you may want to show as well as your final result.

Timeline: One month (Oct. 1st - Oct. 31st) These challenges are meant to be quick sketching exercises that push us artistically (think Inktober, but for VFX). We’re not striving for final polished effects here, but If you don’t “finish” by the end, we encourage you to continue posting your work in progress, polishing and tweaking to your hearts content.

Sketch badges will be awarded to all participants so have fun and get those spooky Halloween juices flowing. We look forward to seeing what you guys come up with! :heart_eyes:

*Music: Witch’s Brew by Brandon and Derek Fiechter.


This is awesome - I love how abstract the source sound is.

It immediately brought to me a bunch of ideas that are way outside of my wheel house. Can’t wait to spend some time trying things.


a question. is a real time vfx a requirement ?

Final presentation is not required to be in a realtime environment for this particular sketch, however it is recommended since we are a realtime vfx community. Focus on being creative with this over technical limitations.

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Hey is there any way we can get the splits to the the “Witches brew” mix?

We don’t have any splits for this file but will keep that in mind for future sketches!

Are we aiming to create something so abstract? Or can we include characters, environments etc that may fit the theme as well (I would assume also created fresh)

Also can we have the effect longer than the sound byte? Edit the byte even to create intro and outros rather than ending so abruptly?

These are extremely loose and built with the sole purpose of encouraging/inspiring us to sketch and experiment. Anything that you felt inspired to create from that sound bite is well worth doing!

Remember, we’re not shooting for big polished scenes here - throw up some WIP and have some fun with this. I’m suuuper excited to have some time over the next few days to experiment myself and learn from all of your attempts too!


is there anyway, to make a sub-section in the events section, so people can make a thread with their wips?

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We’re using this entire category for just that purpose - make a new topic in the “VFXSketch:Witches Brew” Category, and keep that topic updated with your progress :slight_smile:

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@PetrieTheWild - can you maybe post an example topic for people to follow?

Created my own WIP topic here. Don’t have anything yet, just ideas :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::


What a great idea to have those little competitions!

I better get my rusted pencil circling.

Here some groove injection: MEGALIZER II on Vimeo


Oh brother I do not have time for this but I’m gonna keep my eye out for all the awesome stuff to come!!! Happy Halloween!!!


:jack_o_lantern: Winding down towards the end of the month! If you wanted to give it a shot now’s the time :wink:

I really love these types of challenges, to bad I did not have to time be part of this!

I guess its quite a setup to make it combine with music and timing, I would really like to see another similar challenge but maybe something that does not require this much work!

This challenge was just a “sketch”-thing, so keeping it as simple as possible might be better!

Maybe just one sfx just so more people can jump into this? :slight_smile: